21st Conference of the North American Sartre Society
Die 21st Conference of the North American Sartre Society wird in
East Stroudsburg University, Conference Center, Bethlehem, PA,
vom 13.-15. November 2015 stattfinden.
Einsendeschluss für Konferenzvorschläge ist der 31. Juli 2015:
The North American Sartre Society is issuing a call for papers on the occasion of its twenty-first conference, hosted by Storm Heter, at East Stroudsburg University’s Conference Center in Bethlehem, PA, November 13-15, 2015. We welcome papers in any area of Sartrean scholarship (philosophy, literature, theater, psychology, politics, intellectual history, Sartre and other writers, etc.). Reading time for a paper should be 20-25 minutes maximum. In addition to individual papers, we welcome suggestions for panel topics. Graduate students are encouraged to submit suggestions for papers. We hope to provide a limited number of stipends for graduate students to help defray the cost of travel and lodging. Any graduate student whose paper has been accepted must however apply for these stipends.
While topics on any of Sartre’s many activities are welcome, one of the themes we are promoting this year are applications of Sartre’s philosopher to contemporary philosophical debates.
We invite anyone interested to submit proposals in either English or French. Nevertheless, we require those whose papers are accepted to become members of NASS (if they are not already) in order to present their paper.
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